📧Setting up Mailgun Account


Learn how to Setting up Mailgun Account to distribute digital loyalty cards to your existing clients.

Watch the Video tutorial.

Read the documentation.


  1. Use the https://www.mailgun.com URL from your web browser address bar to land on the Mailgun homepage.
  2. Login to your https://loyaltydigital.cards account.
  3. Sign up / log in to your new Mailgun account.
  4. Here is the main dashboard. The first thing you need to do is connect with your domain name.
  5. Navigate to the Settings tab, find Mailgun section and click the Connect Account button.
  6. Doing so opens the Connecting a Mailgun account popup. Here, enter your Mailgun API key in the API Key field.
  7. Enter the domain created in Mailgun using the Domain field.
  8. Enter your email in the Email sender field, from which you would like to distribute your digital loyalty cards.
  9. Set a name for the sender using the Sender's name field that will be shown in the email.
  10. Select the region where the domain was created using the region dropdown. If you have a free Mailgun account, make sure to select the US region.
  11. Once the selections are made, click the Connect button.